Friday, February 2, 2018

the big WHY

SO, why are we taking our 6 little men half way around the world to the INCREDIBLE NZ, only for half of them to never remember it, dish out over 10k JUST for tickets, and for us 2 adults to be tortured on our 32hr travel duration??
SO, why are we going? Why are we doing this? ...i have no idea, haha, NO, just kidding.
Why do we do anything? Where do any of us place our values, obligations, commitments? Every action has a driving force behind it, a reason why, some good some not so good. This choice was created by two individuals, myself and Bryce, who have an adventurous spirit!
Bryce is a natural born Kiwi, a New Zealander. (well kinda, but we can tackle that issue later) The last place we called home was New Zealand, 7 years ago! We took a position at an amazing camp along the east coast, a few feet to the beach from our front door... is that really work?? WHY on Earth did we leave, you say? Haha, well many decisions, but those decisions lead us to PA, where we are SO home, and feel very planted. ANYWAYS, before that, we lived in NZ right after we got married, and ways before that Bryce lived there as a full time Kiwi being a barista and being such a fantastic kiwi, surfing, etc, and being such a handsome bloke. He originally left Middle Earth to pursue the Lord and go to Bible School in New York, and met the LOVE of his life, ME! A few months later we were married, and in no time we had 6 boy children. WHOA. We get it done!
So, back to the Why.
Missional people sacrifice.

Bryce has been in the states off and on for 15 years. He has missed more than just his home. He has missed births, deaths, family, friendships, holidays, food, his culture, he has missed out on driving on the wrong side of the road. You name it, the everyday things you take for granted that your land offers you, he replaced it with a foreign land, foreign holidays, a foreign culture. Its been 7 years since Bryce has stepped onto the lush NZ soil, and its time to show our boys the culture of their father.

We are so excited to experience this with our children, some who won't remember it, but we will hold the memories for them. We hope that the seed of adventure will be placed in their hearts from this decision. Cease the day! We hope that our boys will feel a connection to the other part of their DNA, from a land Down Under, where Hobbits run wild, kiwi birds don't fly, and pies are filled with meat and cheese.
THIS is our WHY.

-Christina (the only girl in this fam)  

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to "travel" with you again through New Zealand! Just hearing you all talk about it is so fun!
