Thursday, January 25, 2018

Post by Levi


 I am so excited for nz, and i am really sad too... because i am going to be leaving all my friends at school and if you are from my school, well then , HI! I am 9yrs old and my Nonna died, but my Nana still lives, they are in NZ. Have you ever traveled on 2 airplanes? We are going to go to Las Vegas, err i mean LA, where Elvis lives! And where Lelo and Stitch movies were filmed. I think we are going to stay there for a few days, i am not sure, its up to my mom. Send me some comments and questions, and i will try to answer them. OH, and check out all the photos we will take in nz, I'm pretty sure your gonna love them, and ill take a video  of what i will do during the days, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the new foods. Well, thats all i have to say right now, BYE< oh and thanks for listening! oh, wait reading. BYe. 😢😢😢😎😎😎😧😧😧😧😂😂😂😂😂😂😟😟😟😇😇😇😈😈😈

Sunday, January 21, 2018


SO, the last time Bryce and I flew to NZ, we went with 2 little children. 
Miles was 3 and just newly diagnosed (Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease) and Levi was 15 months old and was learning how to work his incredible screaming skills. (He has now since passed the mantel to Gideon... more on that later) ANYWHO, we were embarking out on a new adventure, sold everything we owned (other than what 4 suitcases could hold) and moved to NZ! It was exciting and awesome and nerve-racking all at the same time. Like I said, Miles had JUST been diagnosed with Diabetes, ya know, the one with at least 8 finger pricks a day, 4 insulin injections, along with a critically strict gluten free diet. Diagnosed on July 1st, moved to New Zealand December 11th. We lived in NZ just shy of a year, and truly loved it. Worked at an incredible camp, right along the ocean, made wonderful relationships and really enjoyed our time. This brings me to my point:
T I M E .
Time, even as i write this word, it looks funny. Like, is it even a word? Time is here one moment and gone the next. We can't wait for it to get here, or be over, or freeze, and in a blink, we've moved passed whatever made time stand still!! 
My children have been counting down the days, the hours, the moments till we depart on this adventure. The oldest is getting smart... he says to me, "New Zealand is going to go too fast."
Oh I so agree, son. I tell him thats why we are going to freeze time with the pictures we take, the memories we write down, and the stories we share with each other when we are back home.
With all things exciting, we long for it to come, we crave for it to freeze and be savored, enjoyed to the last drop, and looked back on with satisfaction. (I feel this EXACT way every time I eat authentic Ramen...) 
*This* is the reflection I hope we can carry into our daily lives, right here right now, into the seemingly meaningless moments of time in our day to day. No looking back with regret, but living our time with purpose. 

These are wishful mumbles from a momma watching her babies grow up so fast!
Time never, ever, everrrr stands still. 
But nothing good came from just standing still forever, so ON WITH THE SHOW!!!
"Lets Go!" 


Friday, January 19, 2018

Team 8 Talks About NZ

Levi, Ezra and Judah answer some questions about New Zealand!

Team 8 Taylor's FIRST video upload!

As we get ready for our departure, we are testing out our communication equipment!

Here is Miles giving us the first look into Team 8 Taylor, and our next adventure...


Check out our You Tube Channel and subscribe to keep updated on this CRAZY trip of the yearrrrr!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Q & A

I wonder when we cross over the international line, and get to New Zealand, if they will look at our clan and ask in a certain tone... "Anything to declare?" And then just proceed to snicker...
Its a total possibility.

Q. "Are THEY all yours?!"
A. "No of course not! We (2 lone adults) are traveling 32 hours, with a destination of 'half way around the world,' with 6 randomly chosen children JUST.FOR.FUN!!!"

*We LOVE our crazy, LOUD, hysterical, FULL ON, boy party, and wouldn't have it any other way!*

*In order as shown above: Levi, Oliver, Ezra, Judah, Miles and Gideon*

Friday, January 5, 2018

little more than a MONTH out

The passports are here, and the bags are slowly starting to fill up!
With having EIGHT to pack for, we are going light as possible. Two checked bags stored under the plane, 1 mini suitcase carryon (basically just carrying a 1,000 diapers) and a backpack for each of us, minus the baby of course. Recently my nights after putting children to bed are filled with little lists of reminder of what to pack, etc, and good ideas for the 32 hr travel duration. Did i mention that it was a 32 HOUR TRAVEL DURATION?! Ohhh, i didn't, well, yes, yes it is 32 hrs.... insert crying face here. I'm not too worried about the older kids, ages 11, 9, 7, and 5, but I am about the 3 and 14 month old. I don't think there are enough 'gummies' in the world that will keep this particular 3yr old happy on THIS trip of a lifetime. Anyways, tonights 'To Do' was to set up the youtube channel, new email, andddddd THIS very blog:
We are CRaZy excited to depart on this trip. We leave Feb 8th, and return the 5th of March!!!! 
Say a prayer and STAY tuned to THIS very Blog to get the latest and greatest (and NOT so greatest) updates with Team8Taylor!

...did i mention where we are going? oh, ya know, just, umm, NEW ZEALANDDDDDD!!!

-Christina (the mom)