Friday, January 5, 2018

little more than a MONTH out

The passports are here, and the bags are slowly starting to fill up!
With having EIGHT to pack for, we are going light as possible. Two checked bags stored under the plane, 1 mini suitcase carryon (basically just carrying a 1,000 diapers) and a backpack for each of us, minus the baby of course. Recently my nights after putting children to bed are filled with little lists of reminder of what to pack, etc, and good ideas for the 32 hr travel duration. Did i mention that it was a 32 HOUR TRAVEL DURATION?! Ohhh, i didn't, well, yes, yes it is 32 hrs.... insert crying face here. I'm not too worried about the older kids, ages 11, 9, 7, and 5, but I am about the 3 and 14 month old. I don't think there are enough 'gummies' in the world that will keep this particular 3yr old happy on THIS trip of a lifetime. Anyways, tonights 'To Do' was to set up the youtube channel, new email, andddddd THIS very blog:
We are CRaZy excited to depart on this trip. We leave Feb 8th, and return the 5th of March!!!! 
Say a prayer and STAY tuned to THIS very Blog to get the latest and greatest (and NOT so greatest) updates with Team8Taylor!

...did i mention where we are going? oh, ya know, just, umm, NEW ZEALANDDDDDD!!!

-Christina (the mom)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christina.
    We are sooooo looking forward to catching up with you, Bryce and your wonderful family. :)
    Hope the travel goes smoothly and you manage to arrive sane!! lol.
